Atlantis Adventures Almost There
Chris and I are getting close on finishing the site. I’ll be working on the home page flash piece soon and Chris has been punching the CSS stuf heavy and hard. This is by far the best Joomla template we’ve done yet and it’s really only our 4th one. Not bad if I say so myself. Gonna implenet AMFPHP for this one soon and see what kinda kewl dynamic flash I can execute inside of the Joomla framework. Should be fun and great to learn something new.
Another Template Added
Created another template for the new tool based on Joomla, keeping the hawaiian theme, but giving a mre professional look and feel than the other template. Again a bit of a pain getting IE 6 to work properly. Can’t wait till that app is done with.
This design came out alright considering I did it all in 10 hours form concept -> template -> implementation. Seems like the customer likes it. Next up a left side navigation version, although I will most likely delegate it to one of the guys inthe shop because I’m kind of bored with Joomla templates.
New Micro-Site Tool & Template
Designed a new micro site tool with Joomla as the back end for the Hawaii Convention Center. A co-worker and I had to spend hours making this thing IE6 compatible. Hey Microsoft, when are you going to stop supporting such a crappy, non-standard browser?
Cool thing about this new tool I coded and implemented for the Hawaii Convention Center through Digital Mediums is that a website, with 8 language support, Google Analytics, hex color template change, and a bunch more goodies can be installed, implemented and ready to go in about 45 seconds. We wrote a little tool that will give them the ability to create multiple sites in about the same amount of time and allow them to shoose from a specific template or from a previously configured one. All in all, this will save a ton of time on our end == more profit.