New Micro-Site Tool & Template

New Microsite

New Microsite

Designed a new micro site tool with Joomla as the back end for the Hawaii Convention Center. A co-worker and I had to spend hours making this thing IE6 compatible. Hey Microsoft, when are you going to stop supporting such a crappy, non-standard browser?

Cool thing about this new tool I coded and implemented for the Hawaii Convention Center through Digital Mediums is that a website, with 8 language support, Google Analytics, hex color template change, and a bunch more goodies can be installed, implemented and ready to go in about 45 seconds. We wrote a little tool that will give them the ability to create multiple sites in about the same amount of time and allow them to shoose from a specific template or from a previously configured one. All in all, this will save a ton of time on our end == more profit.

November 21, 2008
Joomla!, My Stuff
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This is simply amazing!

Man, if I didn’t have kids, I would definitely take this up, this is amazing stuff. Not flash or flex, although vimeo is a pretty slick HD player done with flash, but definitely looks like fun!!!

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.

November 15, 2008
Liked Sites
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SUMO Paint

SUMO Paint

This is a pretty slick photoshop alternative done in flex. Impressed with what it does, but the performance at which it does it rocks! This app does a good job in showing off what Flex can do if used properly. Would be nice to see this ported as an AIR app.

I’ve played around with this and it compares to any of the photoshop alternatives out there like Photoshop Elements, Slashiup and the such. Maybe one day when I have time I’ll write something like this.

SUMO Paint

November 10, 2008
Flex 2.0, Flex 3.0
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Pleasant Site Done



Pleasant finally got released. Too bad they didn’t want to pay for the slick flash home page piece I wanted to do. Would of made this site really work, instead they went with a javascript image rotator??? Posting this site because the shopping experience was done with a flex app I had a great deal to program in. Not real happy with the final result, although I think it would be well suited for an AIR app in use with agencies.

August 17, 2008

New Life Church Site

New Life Church

New Life Church

Had a lot of fun with this site. I added a theme selector because a color scheme couldn’t get decided upon, but it came out really cool. I used the sharedObject method to hold the users selection and it all came out pretty good. The sire has a great look to it and all of it is dynamic using AMFPHP with a MySQL back-end. Hopefully they’ll be able to keep up with the functionality I set in place. Podcasts are a new thing to them and they don;t fully grasp how to use this tool in distributing the Word of God.

July 30, 2008
Actionscript 2.0, Apple, Flash CS3, My Stuff
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Flash eCommerce

Flash Cart

Flash Cart

So I’ve finally got some ground work laid out for my flash based eCommerce solution. I’m having fun with the admin portion of it. I added post it notes for the user to leave notes to themselves and had it throw into a table the x/y cord’s of each item. Also created the ability to quickly add a new note and zoom the individual post it notes with a double click. Not a highly functional piece, but a real fun one from a user perspective. I created the user interface to include a menu selection with what I hope to have is a full eLearning video tutorial section. As I write this, I now need to re-code it all in Actionscript 3.0, so I might OpenSource this thing at some point.

Check it out if you want. I’ve stripped out most of the functionality to create a demo site, but you are welcome to take any of the ideas I had from the site. You can get a good idea as to how it works:

Username: “demo”(minus quotes)

Password: “demo” (minus quotes)

June 7, 2008
Actionscript 2.0, AMFPHP, My Stuff
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Blast from the past

Rita Wong Realty

Rita Wong Realty

Hahaha…This was the first php site I did in 1999. Can’t believe she’s still using it! She called me today to update her site, but when I told her what my prices are now I think she must have fainted. 🙂  Not as cheap as I use to be.

April 7, 2008
My Stuff, PHP
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Fun play with my little bro

M3 Play

Had some fun playing around with my little bro, teaching him how to use flash without a time line and got to learn how to do a carousel with flash in the process. Definitely going to implement what I learned during this process and hopefully he’ll be able to pick up flash and expand his repertoire. Only time will tell.

August 15, 2007
Flash 8, My Stuff
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Summerlin Life & Health PoC

Summerlin PoC

Summerlin PoC

Completed 3 of 4 proof of concepts for a potential customer today. Had to do this last minute because I was informaed 2 days ago that the owner would be in town and that he is expecting a semi-funtional PoC. Quickly whipped out a flash based site with some minimal functionality. Also added an Employer Login admin site. Feel free to check it out using ‘jjborja’ as the username and ‘password’ for the password. Data is not connected to it so you won;t see anything, but at least you can see the concept.

Look forward to showing you what we did for the expo piece that will be running off a 60″ liquid plasma screen.

July 11, 2007
Actionscript 2.0, AMFPHP, My Stuff
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Quick Site for my Church



Did a fast website for my church, laying down what we hope to be a good foundation for technology and spreasing the gospel to the 4 corners of the planet. Intergrated the FellowshipOne components, which took more effort than I thought it would and with less results than I was expecting.

Also, Integrated, although I may just get WordPress in place later. Hopefully I’ll get the time to really flash the site out, but at least I implemented my CMS so they can easily update the website.

June 30, 2007
My Stuff, PHP
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