Blast from the past
Hahaha…This was the first php site I did in 1999. Can’t believe she’s still using it! She called me today to update her site, but when I told her what my prices are now I think she must have fainted. 🙂 Not as cheap as I use to be.
Fun play with my little bro
Had some fun playing around with my little bro, teaching him how to use flash without a time line and got to learn how to do a carousel with flash in the process. Definitely going to implement what I learned during this process and hopefully he’ll be able to pick up flash and expand his repertoire. Only time will tell.
Summerlin Life & Health PoC
Completed 3 of 4 proof of concepts for a potential customer today. Had to do this last minute because I was informaed 2 days ago that the owner would be in town and that he is expecting a semi-funtional PoC. Quickly whipped out a flash based site with some minimal functionality. Also added an Employer Login admin site. Feel free to check it out using ‘jjborja’ as the username and ‘password’ for the password. Data is not connected to it so you won;t see anything, but at least you can see the concept.
Look forward to showing you what we did for the expo piece that will be running off a 60″ liquid plasma screen.
July 11, 2007
Actionscript 2.0, AMFPHP, My Stuff
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Quick Site for my Church
Did a fast website for my church, laying down what we hope to be a good foundation for technology and spreasing the gospel to the 4 corners of the planet. Intergrated the FellowshipOne components, which took more effort than I thought it would and with less results than I was expecting.
Also, Integrated, although I may just get WordPress in place later. Hopefully I’ll get the time to really flash the site out, but at least I implemented my CMS so they can easily update the website.