Keauhou Resort
Finally finished a proof of concept (PoC) site for a very historic resort on the Big Island of Hawaii. Took idea to concept in about 2.5 months, with some examples of embedded flv, integration from flash to shadowbox. All in all, I’m pretty happy with the results. All the stakeholders loved it, along with the board members for the client and we closed the deal with them.
I tried to capture the environment of Kona, along with the richness in the land and history associated with the resort. Also, came up with a great concept to the “Learn” section, trying to innovate how a user can interactively view printed material along with video. Check it out and tell me what you think.
December 29, 2008
Actionscript 3.0, Flash CS3, My Stuff
New Life Church Site
Had a lot of fun with this site. I added a theme selector because a color scheme couldn’t get decided upon, but it came out really cool. I used the sharedObject method to hold the users selection and it all came out pretty good. The sire has a great look to it and all of it is dynamic using AMFPHP with a MySQL back-end. Hopefully they’ll be able to keep up with the functionality I set in place. Podcasts are a new thing to them and they don;t fully grasp how to use this tool in distributing the Word of God.
July 30, 2008
Actionscript 2.0, Apple, Flash CS3, My Stuff
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